

Lacerations services offered in The Loop, Chicago, IL

If you experience a laceration or a large cut in your skin requiring medical treatment, the caring providers at Michigan Avenue Primary Care in The Loop of downtown Chicago, Illinois, are here for you. They stitch up your wound when necessary and disinfect it to prevent infections and other complications. Schedule an appointment at the office over the phone or online today.

Lacerations Q & A

What is a laceration?

A laceration is a cut that occurs when your skin tears in an irregular, jagged fashion. Lacerations cause bleeding and may require stitches to heal properly. They often get contaminated with bacteria and other debris from objects that caused the cut.

What causes lacerations?

Any type of sharp object can cause a laceration. You might experience lacerations from falling down, bumping your head, using a knife, getting bitten by an animal, playing sports, working with machinery, or being in an automobile accident. Lacerations may also occur from stepping on a sharp object, such as a piece of glass.

What should I do if I have a laceration?

If you experience a laceration, wash your hands to avoid spreading bacteria. Step the bleeding by applying gentle pressure to the area with a clean cloth or bandage. Elevate the affected area until the bleeding stops.

Rinse your wound with water and remove debris or dirt with tweezers if you can. Apply a topical antibiotic to the area and cover it with a bandage. For severe lacerations, stop the bleeding with pressure and call The Michigan Avenue Primary Care team as soon as possible.

What is the treatment for lacerations?

When you arrive at Michigan Avenue Primary Care, your provider reviews your medical history and examines your laceration. 

They clean and disinfect the area with an antibiotic, remove debris or dirt from the wound, and let you know if you require adhesive tape or stitches to help the laceration heal properly.

If you require stitches, your provider can numb the area. They place stitches in your skin at the injury site and let you know when to return to the office to have the stitches removed. You might require a tetanus shot if you haven’t had one within the last five years.

What happens after treatment?

Keep your wound clean and cover it while it heals. Change the dressing at least once daily or if it becomes dirty or wet. Watch for signs of infection while your laceration heals. See your doctor if you experience redness, increasing pain, swelling, warmth, or drainage from the wound.

If you have a deep laceration, seek medical treatment right away. Schedule an appointment with the Michigan Avenue Primary Care team over the phone or online.