
Vertigo services offered in The Loop, Chicago, IL

Vertigo makes you feel as though you’re off-balance and dizzy, like the world is spinning around. If you experience these sensations regularly, Michigan Avenue Primary Care in The Loop of downtown Chicago, Illinois, can help. Its experienced providers can diagnose the cause of your vertigo and provide expert treatments to relieve your symptoms. Call Michigan Avenue Primary Care to find out more, or book an appointment online today. 

What is vertigo?

Occasionally feeling like the room is spinning or being off-balance and dizzy isn’t uncommon. If you have vertigo, these sensations happen regularly, making it hard to lead a normal life.

You might feel like you’re moving when you aren’t and need to sit or hold on to something substantial as you think you’re going to fall.

When you experience vertigo to this extent, you should visit Michigan Avenue Primary Care. Your provider can identify any underlying medical condition that might be causing your vertigo.

Why would I have vertigo?

Vertigo is often a symptom of problems with your inner ear, which plays an essential role in your ability to balance. Conditions that might cause vertigo include:

Meniere’s disease

Meniere’s disease can develop if you have fluid and pressure buildup in your inner ear. The condition causes tinnitus (ringing in the ears), hearing loss, and vertigo.

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV)

BPPV is a result of having canaliths in your inner ear. Cannaliths form when there’s a buildup of calcium particles. The reason why this happens isn’t clear, but older people are more likely to get BPPV.


Also known as vestibular neuritis, labyrinthitis develops because of an ear infection causing inner ear inflammation. The inflammation causes problems in the nerves that help with balance.

Other causes of vertigo include migraine, head and neck injuries, brain tumors, and stroke. Certain medications might list vertigo as a side effect.

What treatments reduce vertigo?

Vertigo treatment options include:

Vestibular rehabilitation

Your vestibular system directs signals to your brain about the relationship between your head and body movements and gravity, which helps you balance. Vestibular rehabilitation is physical therapy that strengthens your vestibular system.

Canalith repositioning maneuvers

Canalith repositioning maneuvers are precise movements of your head and body. These movements can shift calcium deposits from your inner ear canal to the inner chamber of your ear. From there, your body can absorb the calcium and resolve the problem.

If you have vertigo because of an infection, antibiotics can help. Anti-inflammatories or steroid medications can reduce inflammation in your inner ear. If you have Meniere’s disease, diuretics can decrease the fluid level in your ears. 

Michigan Avenue Primary Care can also prescribe medication to help with nausea, which is a common side effect of vertigo. Call the office to discuss your condition or book a consultation online today. Telehealth and same-day appointments are also available.